Monday, February 7, 2011

My Beloved

Even in sleep my Beloved calls to me
Like whispers from Heavens Angel Prime
Falling petal soft upon my ear
Quietly transforming my dreams.

The sweet aroma of your presence
Swirls around me like a dervish,
And drinking deeply of loves sweetness
I drift away into its current.

The music of your words
are likened to a symphony
Stirring my Spirit to dance
And warming my heart with melody..

I softly speak your name,
the taste of it sweet upon my tongue,
always leaving me wanting
and seeking more..

Your slightest touch leaves me breathless,
enraptured and pierced through
By exquisite sweetness.
I am consumed by your tenderness..

Holding fast to your embrace,
Merging together at the heart of your Being,
One within the other,
My Soul becomes yours..

Passing through your gates of Splendor,
Your reflection fills my minds eye
And I am blind to all else.
How can I not surrender to such love as this. ~

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