Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Homecoming

I sought in silence the pathway to my heart
which brought forth discovery of a higher road.
A journey of my souls understanding which
led me unknowingly to the place from which I came.

Transported through a sea
of liquid crystal light, and
sailing on clouds of luminous color,
pulsing with universal energies,
I suddenly hung suspended in time and space.

Enveloped in a divine state of grace
I stood illuminated by my Source.
With my true Self revealed as a Being of Light
I reveled in reunion for I stood not alone
but with others of like nature.

The veil was rent and the wisdom of the ages flooded my soul.
Overcome with unconditional love,
the knowledge and bliss of Oneness
was made known unto me.

Immersed in an ocean of light
and tranquil metamorphosis
I awakened .
Having been translated into reality
I rested in my sanctuary of Truth,
knowing only Love,
Oneness with all
and inevitable immortality.

By Loisann

1 comment:

  1. The body of Light, which "I AM ", has been to the Holy of the Heavens, communed with the Great Souls of Light, and returned to this realm as a new Being, fully enlightened to what is Real...
