Monday, February 7, 2011


That which speaks and creates a multitude of stars,
Thinks and sets the cosmic winds in motion,
Moves and from the stillness of nothing come the
living waters that overflow the void in my soul..

It is the still small voice from within
Creating the thunder in my heart,
And the lightning which cracks
my Spirit to life, Sending forth
the faith and the hope of the centuries.

It calms the storms
And sets my dormant love into motion
At the same moment in time..
The Maker of my Divine essence
And Sacred Source of all that is
or ever shall be..

Causing me to know deep communion
Until I no longer feel bound or seperate
Touching that Divine spark within
Until I AM

Fired and purged of all desire
But the one which calls me
To return to the Source
From which I came..

A Song of Life

Hear with me an Ancient song,
A melody that lingers long,
A harmony past human thought
Like manna by the angels brought..

The Universe its songs impart
To gently open up our heart,
And to the empty soul restore
the Spirit to its home once more..

Cherish every dancing measure,
Hold it closely like a treasure
Fill your senses with its sound
Before your time to go comes round..

My Beloved

Even in sleep my Beloved calls to me
Like whispers from Heavens Angel Prime
Falling petal soft upon my ear
Quietly transforming my dreams.

The sweet aroma of your presence
Swirls around me like a dervish,
And drinking deeply of loves sweetness
I drift away into its current.

The music of your words
are likened to a symphony
Stirring my Spirit to dance
And warming my heart with melody..

I softly speak your name,
the taste of it sweet upon my tongue,
always leaving me wanting
and seeking more..

Your slightest touch leaves me breathless,
enraptured and pierced through
By exquisite sweetness.
I am consumed by your tenderness..

Holding fast to your embrace,
Merging together at the heart of your Being,
One within the other,
My Soul becomes yours..

Passing through your gates of Splendor,
Your reflection fills my minds eye
And I am blind to all else.
How can I not surrender to such love as this. ~

The Constant Jewel

The pregnant Moon shines through the night
And casting down her silver light
She lifts my Earthly soul to flight
And stays my heart from crying..

Each time I gaze upon her face
It fills me with a humble grace
A constant Jewel which I embrace
Without so much as trying..

The Song in your Heart

I had a dream in which I played the part
of someone who tuned all the strings of your heart.
For hearts were the instruments, part of the band
which held all the music of life in their hand.
I would turn every key to tighten each string
adjusting the pitch to the sound it would bring.

I was told every heart had its own special song
and the Mistro would know where each one would belong
So I focused attention on tuning each string
Anxious to hear all the music they'd bring.
The players all gathered and soon took there places
With looks of expectancy upon there faces.

The strings of lifes web were all plucked from above
sending down rhapsodies flowing with love
And the reverberations filled up the place
with symphonies floating through time and through space.
Then I heard a sweet voice that was lovingly saying,
"My children are part of the music I'm playing".

A Life to Live

Here we've come a life to live
to walk the path of head & heart.
To learn the way to love & give
and let the path to wisdom start.

Illusions mystery divine
shall bring us into souls dark night.
But walking through the mists of time
We're led by Spirits guiding light

Commit yourself to life's great call
By showing love where 'er you roam
and leave a shining path behind
for those to come, to follow home.

For when our worldly journey ends
and all has passed to history
We'll have no time to make amends
When Truth makes known the Mystery...

Hope for the New Year

When I consider where I was a year ago today,
I smile at all the happenings that brought me on my way.
I think of all the friends I've made and places I have traveled,
And laugh at how the plans I made all seemed to come unraveled.

I'd wile away the hours just hoping and a'wishin,
Then realized the "Best laid plans" don't always see fruition.
And though I don't regret the way that things have come to be.
They would have turned out different if it ALL was up to me.

We cannot know precisely what Creator has in store,
We can but try to do the things that we are put here for.
Each one of us must play a part fulfilling destiny,
and lift illusions veil to learn what we are meant to be.

So I will choose to walk along the path of peace and love,
And pray that I'll be led along with guidance from above.
And when this New year runs it's course and finds its final night,
I hope to stand with others who've awakened to the Light...

They Say

"In God We Trust", that's what they say
They want us to believe it.
But money is the God they praise,
I just can not conceive it.

They say that "We the People"
Make the laws that we live by,
But then they piggy back the laws
and they do it on the sly.

They say we must preserve the land
for all those who will follow,
then sell off all the mineral rights
and drain it 'til it's hollow.

"Bring us your huddled masses",
"Freedom to every Quarter",
then they spend a billion dollars
Building fences on the Border.

They tell us we should seek out Peace
and Walk the path of Beauty,
Then send our children overseas
To fight, 'cause it's their duty.

They tell us all to cast our vote
then they don't seem to mind it
when votes are lost by some strange "glitch"
Don't fret, they said they'll find it.

Cloud Shadows

We have all, at one time or another, watched the shadow of a cloud pass over the surface of the Earth. Many now stand in the midst of such a shadow. From where they stand they can see no reason to believe that there is a brilliant light hidden behind the cloud. The cloud seems to be the only reality and there seems to be no reason to attempt to look beyond it, but if they will only determine in their mind to reach out and brush the cloud aside, Spirit will honor even the smallest effort, and lift them out of the shadow and into the Light. We must recognize that the shadows that are cast by the clouds are things which come to eventually pass.

The Petals of the Rose

Great Mystery of all that is, most Benevolent Source of Creation and beyond, help me to dwell within the grace of thy Blessedness. Let my life, my love and my dreams be within thy will throughout the time that is allotted to me, and as I walk this earthly path, grant that the wisdom of the ages lead me and guide me into all truth and beauty. May the power of your love forever bloom in my heart, that my spirit may be as the sweet essence carried by the Petals of the Rose, and may your kingdom come to be on earth as it is in the Heavens.