Monday, May 24, 2010

A Spirits' Dream

Once in a dream, a Spirit form stood
and it beckoned me into a mystical wood.
So I followed it in, I answered it's call
for the Spirit had promised to soon reveal all
of the answers to questions
I held in my heart
of why I was here and what was my part
that I was to play in this spiritual quest
and what was the point of this mystical test.

Ethereal mist was shrouding the face
of the Spirit which drew me to enter this place.
Onward we traveled 'til deep in the wood
the Spirit form halted and there we both stood.
It turned round to face me and to my surprise
I found myself looking into my own eyes.
I had followed my Self, yet only to find
the dream I was having was all in my mind.

The answers to all of my questions were clear
to what was my purpose and why I was here.
Awakening now to the Truth of my Being,
this body of Light that I was now seeing
was all that I was or ever would be
and as the mist lifted I clearly could see
that my purpose was learning to walk in the Light
and to pull off the veil from humanities sight,
so others could wake and join the transition.
This was my purpose and Love was my mission.
